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PC(USA) Mission Agency

For over 200 years, Presbyterians have been responding to the call of Jesus Christ, taking the gospel into all the world and bearing witness to Christ’s saving love to the ends of the earth. Today the Holy Spirit is still on the move, calling us to share in what God is doing in the world.

As your partner in Christ’s service, the Presbyterian Mission Agency is faithfully working to inspire, equip and connect the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in its many expressions to serve Christ in the world through new and existing communities of faith, hope, love and witness.

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Presbyterian Mission’s goal is to inspire, equip and connect the church in three main areas: evangelism and discipleship, servant leader formation, and justice and reconciliation. We do this work through four ministry areas:

  • Compassion, Peace & Justice

  • Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries

  • Theology, Formation & Evangelism

  • World Mission

In fulfilling these goals, we regularly engage congregations, mid councils and other entities. We also offer additional assistance through several departments, including:

  • Research Services, which offers research, statistics and custom surveys and program evaluations;

  • Mission Engagement & Support, a comprehensive source for stewardship and discipleship resources and training;

  • Communications, which runs the Presbyterian News Service and offers onsite workshops on storytelling, social media, web and digital communications, and a variety of other services that support our mission and ministry.

Thank you, PC(USA) Mission Agency, for sponsoring the
2024 Worship & Music Conference!


The Presbyterian Association of Musicians believes that formative and collaborative experiences with God and neighbor nurture relationships and create community.


PAM is a national organization of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for people who are involved in the areas of worship, music, and the arts.




100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202

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