Our Visioning Statement
PAM’s current strategic plan was developed in the spring of 2023 by the Board in conversation with consultants and PAM staff, to serve as a continuation of the good work from and in response to the strategic plan developed in January of 2020 that has served as a guide for the organization since that time.
Above all, the need for awareness of and focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) should be present in all facets of the work of PAM in order to encourage and honor the growing diversity of the organization. Further, the Board commits to training and education from outside resources in order to broaden the perspective of the organization through policies and procedures including those listed below.
In order for PAM to continue to expand its perspective and to remain as the preeminent resource for worship leadership in the PC(USA), we must continue to develop new leadership within the organization. PAM will continue to support worship leaders in their first call through the First Call Community (FCC) by offering budgeted financial support and by seeking external funding to make participation possible for leaders from smaller communities with limited professional development resources. PAM will also seek to support the gathering of new members into the community by establishing relationships with seminaries and graduate degree programs, and encouraging mentorship opportunities for those new to worship in the reformed tradition of the PC(USA).
It has been the practice of PAM for several years to validate a variety of worship traditions by highlighting them in Glory to God and occasionally including music from other experiences in conference offerings. PAM now commits to a deeper learning from these perspectives by educating our membership through scholarly activity centered on non-Western European traditions and practice. Further, PAM will observe these traditions in authentic environments as guests, instead of reproducing them as presenters. Documentation and other archival efforts will be solicited and made available to the membership.
PAM regions continue to be important in providing unique resources needed to effectively lead worship, highlighting the work and value of the PAM membership and connections. The national office of PAM will continue to grow to accommodate and support the work of regional leadership, and the Board commits to financially supporting regional events through internal grants and annual dues allocations.
Finally, the PAM Board commits to communicating fully with and inviting the input of the PAM membership in continuing to develop offerings and programming that foster growth toward the PAM mission to experience God and neighbor through collaborative experiences in order to create community.
Annual Reports
Since its founding over 50 years ago, PAM been a place of connection. Over the years we have created beautiful things together - music, laughter, worship, learning, relationships. We know that it's the people who make PAM what it is. People like you who have offered their time and talents, vision and creativity, and financial support to furthering the mission of PAM in the world and in the church.
Click below to view past Annual Reports.