Giving Opportunities
The Annual Fund supports PAM's ongoing daily operations. This includes but is not limited to, the planning and coordination of the annual worship and music conferences, webinars, newsletters, mailings, web design, Call to Worship, and many other membership benefits.
The Scholarship Fund annually provides scholarships to conference registrants with financial need. Funding a conference registrant is always a worthy venture as the content of all PAM conferences is rich in developmental techniques as well as fun with a supportive community to enliven the spirit.
The First Call Community Fund supports worship leaders serving in their first call, as well as seminary and music students discerning a call in congregational ministry.
Become a PAM Sustainer. PAM Sustainers provide monthly financial support to faithfully equip worship leaders to effectively lead authentic worship, foster community and relationship among worship leaders, and increase transformative experiences with God through intentional diversity in leadership and style. Your monthly gift continues this good work! Just select "monthly" from the frequency drop-down below and you too we be part of the PAM Sustainers network. Click the image below to view our list of Sustainers.
Join the 1970 Society. The 1970 Society was established to honor those who have cumulatively given $19,700 to PAM. Click the image below to view the list of 1970 Society members.
For questions or help with your gift, please reach out to the PAM Office by contacting Executive Director Kelly Abraham at 502.569.5759 or kelly.abraham@pcusa.org.