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Town Hall Forums

In partnership with the Office of Theology and Worship and the Call To Worship Journal

Each Town Hall Forum has a guest panelist who will present on a particular topic related to worship, music, church life, or a topic of cultural relevance. Many Town Hall panelists have been recent contributors to Call to Worship and will expand upon their written article. Town Halls are a place to be curious, ask questions, and learn something new. Our hope is that they will be a valuable resource for individuals and groups alike. 

All Town Hall Forums are virtual, and free and open to the public. You must register to attend.

Upcoming Town Hall Forums

Thursday, March 13, 1:00 PM EST

Worship & The Enneagram

Rev. Stephanie Ellspastor of First Presbyterian Church in Dubuque, IA, and the Thriving in Ministry Grant Coordinator for the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary

Have you been hearing the "buzz" about the Enneagram? Or are you an "enneagram" fanatic? Either way - come and learn more! You'll be given a rapid intro to the spiritual wisdom tool, the Enneagram, as well as how to craft personal or corporate worship experiences that align with the various Enneagram types. The Enneagram is one of the many tools we can utilize in our spiritual practices as a pathway for transformation. A follow-up to last summer’s popular interest session at the Worship & Music Conference, Pastor Stephanie will share practical tips you can immediately incorporate into a variety of settings, based on her experience & learning as a pastor.

Thursday, April 3, 1:00 PM EST

Call to Worship Journal Lectionary Companion Resources

Rev. Sally Ann McKinsey, Call to Worship Editor

Call to Worship Journal Editor Sally Ann McKinsey will introduce this year's Lectionary Companion as a resource can be of help in planning worship throughout the year.

Previous Town Hall Forums

2024 Town Hall Forums

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Thursday, November 7th, 1:00 PM EST

Clothed In Love 2025 PAM Worship and Music Conference

Amy Cerniglia & Elizabeth Diebert will go in depth and behind the scenes into the theme for the 2025 conference. They’ll shed light on some of the theological components and how the week will see threads woven together in various workshops and offerings.

Click Here to Watch this Town Hall Forum

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Thursday, August 8th, 1:00 PM EST

Dónal Noonan will discuss “Creating Home and Community in Song," hosted by  Claudia Aguilar Rubalcava.


When we fling open the doors of our houses of worship, sing the song of welcome to the stranger, we embrace those who are already there, encourage all to step forward as family, and experience the transformative love of God as we witness our house of worship become a home of worship…. Let’s do that!

Queering the Liturgy
Jimmy Hoke | February 1, 2024

Dr. Jimmy Hoke and Sally Ann McKinsey discuss the topic of "Queering the Liturgy."

Homeward Choir of Atlanta
Donal Noonan and Claudia Aguilar Rubalcava | September 7, 2023

Claudia Aguilar Rubalcava and Donal Noonan talk about worship, the Atlanta Homeward Choir, and more!

Art, Music, and Sacrament
Ann Laird Jones and Meg Flannagan | February 2, 2023

Join us as authors of articles found in the Eucharist Call To Worship 56.3 discuss Art, Music, and Sacrament. The Rev. Dr. Ann Laird Jones' article "Art and the Lord's Supper: Choreography of Grace and Table" joined with the article by Rev. Mary Margaret Flannagan "On Music: Singing Our Way to the Table" will call us towards envisioning a crowded table as through the arts we yearn to feel God's presence with us. Moderated by David Gambrell.

Access the presentation PowerPoint here. 


Rest and Repentence
Julian Davis Reid and Kim Adams | November 9, 2023

Julian Davis Reid discusses his 57.2 Call to Worship article, "Somebody Is Listening: Music as a Gesture to God of Rest and Repentance". Hosted by Kim Adams.

Wilding Worship
Victoria Loorz and Philip Morgan | October 5, 2023

Philip Morgan talks with Victoria Loorz about Wilding Worship.

New Call to Worship Journal Website
David Gambrell and Bill Davis | December 7, 2024

David Gambrell and Bill Davis discuss the uses and navigation of the new Call to Worship Journal website.

God's Expansive Table: children & youth in the work of the people
Loli Reiter and Karen Ware Jackson | January 5, 2023

Join Loli Reiter and Karen Ware Jackson for this conversation about youth and children's perspective on worship and liturgy. Hosted by Sally Ann McKinsey.


This Creek is the Baptismal River: Baptism as Immersion into Reality
Lisa Dahill | November 3, 2022

Lisa Dahill discusses her articles in the Call To Worship Journal 56.2 "This Creek is the Baptismal River: Baptism as Immersion into Reality." Hosted by David Gambrell.


The Rev. Dr. Lisa E. Dahill is the Miriam Therese Winter Professor of Transformative Leadership and Spirituality at Hartford International University for Religion and Peace, Hartford, Connecticut.

Reconciliation and Song: Being God's Message to the World
Dr. Lim Swee Hong | March 3, 2022

Lim Swee Hong discusses his article in the Call to Worship Journal "Reconciliation and Song: Being God's Message to the World." Hosted by Kimberly Bracken Long. Read Swee Hong's article in Call To Worship 55.4.

Dr. Lim Swee Hong is the Deer Park Associate Professor of Sacred Music and the Director of the Master of Sacred Music Program at Emmanuel College of Victoria University in the University of Toronto.

How Much Paper Does a Congregation Need?
Paul Vasile | February 3, 2022

Paul Vasile discusses his Call to Worship article "How Much Paper Does a Congregation Need?" in a conversation with Michael Waschevski. Read Paul's article in Call To Worship 55.3.

Paul Vasile is a church musician, consultant, composer, and teacher who finds his greatest joy in collaborative and community-centered ministry.

Singing Around the Font
David Bjorlin | October 6, 2022

David Bjorlin expounds on his article in the Call To Worship Journal 56.2 "Singing Around the Font." Hosted by Kaitlin Davros and Phillip Morgan.

David is a teaching fellow in music and worship at North Park University, the pastor of worship and creative arts at Resurrection Covenant Church in Chicago, Illinois, and a hymnwriter.

Why Baptism Matters for the Work of Dismantling Racism
Claudia Aguilar Rubalcava | September 8, 2022

Claudia Aguilar Rubalcava discusses her article in the Call to Worship Journal "Why Baptism Matters for the Work of Dismantling Racism." Hosted by Sally Ann McKinsey, Call To Worship Journal Editor. Read the article in Call To Worship 56.2.

Claudia Aguilar Rubalcava has served in a variety of ministry contexts over the last 20 years. 

Confessing Church: Why Do We Keep Doing These Prayers of Confession?
Dr. Martha Moore-Keish | May 12, 2022

Dr. Martha Moore-Keish discusses her article in the Call to Worship Journal "Confessing Church: Why Do We Keep Doing These Prayers of Confession" Hosted by Rev. Dr. David Gambrell. Read the article in Call To Worship 55.4.

Dr. Martha Moore-Keish is the J.B. Green Professor of Theology at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. Her research interests include Reformed theology, liturgical theology (esp. the theology and practice of the sacraments), and feminist theology.

Militant Masculinity in Contemporary Worship Music
TJ Shirley | January 13, 2022

TJ Shirley discusses his Call to Worship article "Militant Masculinity in Contemporary Worship Music" in a conversation with Joshua Taylor. Read TJ's article in Call To Worship 55.3.

TJ Shirley is the Assistant Pastor of Music and Communications at First United Presbyterian Church in Rocky Mount, NC. 

Dismantling Racism Begins With Worship
Phillip Morgan | November 11, 2021 

Phillip Morgan expands on his Call to Worship article "Dismantling Racism Begins with Worship" in a conversation with Call To Worship editor, Kimberly Bracken Long. Read Phillip's article in Call To Worship 55.2.

Phillip Morgan is the Director of Music at Central Presbyterian Church in Louisville, KY.

Introducing the 55.1 Call To Worship Lectionary Aids for Year C
Rev. Dr. Kimberly Bracken Long & Rev. Kimber-lee Adams | June 3, 2021

Rev. Dr. Long and Rev. Adams introduce the 55.1 Call to Worship Lectionary Aids, including new features!

Rev. Dr. Kimberly Bracken Long is the Editor of the Call to Worship journal. Rev. Kimber-lee Adams is the Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Valparaiso, IN.

Hymns and Songs from the Heart of the Black Church
Rev. Carlton D. Johnson | October 7, 2021

Rev. Carlton D. Johnson speaks about hymns and songs of the Black church in a conversation with Mark Kemp, PAM President-Elect. Read Rev. Johnson's article "Stretching Out: Hymn Interpretation in the Black Church" in Call to Worship 55.2.

Rev. Carlton D. Johnson is the Coordinator for Vital Congregations at the Presbyterian Mission Agency in Louisville, KY.

Gathering and Sending: Perspectives on Disjointed Worship During a Pandemic
Rev. Kendra Buckwalter Smith & Rev. Allie Utley | April 8, 2021

Rev. Buckwalter Smith & Rev. Utley discuss the challenges and triumphs of worship during the Covid-19 pandemic. Read "On Liturgy: Communal Suffering and Words for a Border Crossing" by Rev. Kendra Buckwalter Smith and "Worship in a Pandemic" by Rev. Allie Utley in Call to Worship 54.4.

Rev. Kendra Buckwalter Smith is the Director of the Worship Program at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and Pastor of Shadyside Presbyterian Church. Rev. Allie Utley is Interim Chaplain at the Graduate School of Theology at the University of the Redlands in San Francisco, CA.  

Lift Every Voice and Sing: The Place of the Black National Anthem in the Church
Dr. Tony McNeill | September 2, 2021

Dr. Tony McNeill speaks about "Lift Every Voice and Sing" in a conversation with PAM Board Member Karrie Rushing. Read Dr. McNeill's article "Lift Every Voice and Sing: Forming Congregations for Justice" in Call to Worship 55.2.

Dr. Tony McNeill is the Chair of the Department of Music and Director of Choral Activities at Clinton College in Fort Hill, SC.


The Presbyterian Association of Musicians believes that formative and collaborative experiences with God and neighbor nurture relationships and create community.


PAM is a national organization of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for people who are involved in the areas of worship, music, and the arts.




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Louisville, KY 40202

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