Meet The Team
Daily Schedule & Classes
Senior Highs
Completed 9th-12th
Completed 6th - 8th
Completed 3rd - 5th
7:30 am Morning Prayer
8:00 am Being Song for the Journey
Beginning Handbells
Guitar as a Lead Instrument I
Practical Organ Service Playing
Fun & Games
Chamber Choir
Instrumental Ensembles
9:00 am Small Groups
10:00 am Choir
11:00 am Worship
12:15 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Chamber Choir
Advanced Hanbells
Non-Western Hymn Playing
Instr. Chamber Rehearsals
Drums and Percussion
Hymn/Song-Writing Seminar
2:30 pm Choir
Optional Intergenerational Classes:
3:30 pm Meet the King of Instruments
Intermediate Handbells
Art Workshop
Fun & Games
Instr. Chamber Rehearsals
Beginning Ukulele
4:30 pm Beginning Handchimes
Guitar as a Lead Instrument II
Art Workshop
7:30 am Morning Prayer
8:00 am Being Song for the Journey
Beginning Handbells
Guitar as a Lead Instrument I
Practical Organ Service Playing
Fun & Games
9:00 am Choir
10:00 am Small Groups
11:00 am Worship
12:15 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Choir
2:30 pm Middler Instrumental Ensemble
Fun & Games
Drums and Percussion
Optional Intergenerational Classes:
3:30 pm Meet the King of Instruments
Intermediate Handbells
Fun & Games
Beginning Ukulele
4:30 pm Beginning Handchimes
7:30 am Morning Prayer
8:00 am Choir
9:00 am Fun & Games
10:00 am Fun & Games
11:00 am Worship
12:15 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Fun & Games
2:30 pm Choir
Optional Intergenerational Classes:
3:30 pm Meet the King of Instruments
Beginning Ukulele
4:30 pm No classes
Children ages 6 months - completed 2nd grade are invited to attend the Montreat Clubs program. More information on Clubs registration, rates, and programming can be found at clubs | Montreat Conference Center. Registration will open in March 2024.
7:30 am Morning Prayer
8:00 am Adult Bible Study
Beginning Handbells
Guitar as a Lead Instrument I
Practical Organ Service Playing
Big Ideas for Smaller Churches
Youth Choir Seminar
Instrumental Ensembles
Chamber Choir
9:00 am Choir
Auditioned Advanced Handbells
Instrumental Ensembles
Paying Attention in Daily Life
10:00 am Routley Lecture
Intermediate Handbells
The Final Journey Home: Dying Well
Professional Development
Children's Choir Seminar
Drums and Percussion
Interest Sessions
Alice Parker's Hymnal
Creating Home & Community in Song
11:00 am Worship
1:30 pm Worship Reflection
Advanced Handbells
Non-Western Hymn Playing
Instrumental Chamber Rehearsals
Drums and Percussion
Hymn/Song-Writing Seminar
Paying Attention in Daily Life
The Final Journey Home: Dying Well
2:30 pm Adult Choir
3:30 pm Routley Lecture
Intermediate Handbells
Art Workshop
Creating Home & Community in Song
Instrumental Chamber Rehearsals
Preaching Seminar
Reading Sessions
Creating a Culture of Generosity
Drums and Percussion
Beginning Ukulele
4:30 pm Beginning Handchimes
Guitar as a Lead Instrument II
Art Workshop
Interest Sessions
Chamber Choir
Material Liturgy Seminar
Beyond Sunday: Faith at Home
7:30 pm Evening Events
Monday: Organ Recital
Tuesday: Youth Talent Show
Wednesday: Hymn Festival
Thursday: Chamber Choir Concert
Friday: Closing Concert
15 minutes after Evening Event ends : Evening Prayer