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2024 Faculty
The faculty are listed in alphabetical order by last name.

Richard Deibert
Seminar Leader
Richard Deibert is a hospice and palliative care physician and PC(USA) minister. His PhD dissertation, “Paul’s Gospel of Human Mortality,” from the University of Cambridge, studied Paul’s theology of physical death. Richard lives in Lakewood Ranch, FL, with Elizabeth, and they enjoy four children, two of their children’s spouses, and two grandchildren.

Grace Evans
Assistant Artist in Residence
Grace is an artist, educator, and life coach from Raleigh, NC. She creates fabric collages inspired by nature and designs banners and hangings for churches. She is overseeing the execution of a major installation designed by Catherine Kapikian, Artist in Residence for the 2024 Worship & Music Conference. Grace has an arts degree from Skidmore College and studied clay at Penland School of Crafts in North Carolina. She is a certified Montessori teacher and taught art to children and adults for many years.

Kelly Fitzgerald
Children’s Bible Leader
Kelly is easily distracted. This has driven her desire for finding ways to engage people in worship and Christian education in creative and innovative ways. Kelly has served the church as a youth director, family ministry director, and associate pastor. She currently is seeking ways to empower and equip families to claim their homes as primary sources of spirituality and faith formation. She and her husband, Mike, are raising their family in Sarasota, FL, where she enjoys baking, gardening, and doing ministry with all ages and stages.

Emily Floyd
Davis Flohr Middler Choir Director
Emily is Associate Pastor for Worship and Music at First Baptist Church of Asheville, NC, where she conducts choirs of all ages, including the Asheville Youth Chorus. Emily serves as the Co-Director for the Choristers Guild Institute. Emily has been a church musician for more than twenty years and has taught in public schools at the middle school and high school levels. She frequently conducts choirs for state and district honor choirs, sacred music conferences, and summer camps.

seminar leader (week 2)
Vini Frizzo is the Director of Music Ministry at Highland Presbyterian Church in Louisville, KY. He holds doctoral degrees in both choral conducting and composition from Indiana University and is a 2018 winner of The American Prize in Composition. Outside of composing and conducting, he teaches music theory at the University of Louisville School of Music.

David Gambrell
Seminar and Evening Prayer Leader (week 1)
David is Associate for Worship in the PC(USA) Office of Theology and Worship. He was an advisor to the Glory to God (WJKP, 2013) hymnal committee and serves on the ecumenical consultation responsible for the Revised Common Lectionary. David is author of Presbyterian Worship: Questions and Answers (WJKP, 2019) and Breathing Spirit into Dust: Fifty Hymn Texts (GIA, 2015); he is editor of the Book of Common Worship (WJKP, 2018) and the Connections Worship Companion series (WJKP, 2021-24).

Todd Gillespie
Collaborative Pianist: Children’s Choir/ Middler Choir
Todd currently serves as Music Director and Pianist for Bowling Green Presbyterian Church in Clover, SC. He received a Bachelor of Music Education in Choral Music from Winthrop University and teaches choir in Greenville County Schools. He frequently does collaborative piano work with choirs throughout South Carolina.

Peter is Assistant Professor of Instruction for Choral Music Education at Ohio University, where he conducts multiple choirs and teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Music Education. Having attended Worship & Music Conference for nearly a quarter century, Dr. Haley is honored to serve on faculty this year. He has the honor of being the second-best teacher in his house, behind his wife, Ashley, and is a proud parent to Patrick and Libby Kay.

David M. Harris
Handbell Choir Director
David has been the director of The Raleigh Ringers since 1990, when he was instrumental in the formation of this internationally-recognized touring handbell ensemble. David has led well over 200 handbell festivals in thirty-nine states as well as in England, Puerto Rico, Canada, and the Caribbean. He has been the primary handbell clinician for Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist, and Catholic music events. David has recently accepted an adjunct professor position at Meredith College, Raleigh, NC.

Catherine Kapikian
Artist in Residence
Catherine, site-specific liturgical artist and author of Art in Service of the Sacred, has created large-scale, permanent and temporary installations plus paraments and vestments that reside in churches of diverse denominations; university, seminary, and military chapels; retreat centers; and hotel and convention center lobbies for ecclesial events. Catherine is Founder and Director Emerita of the Henry Luce Center for the Arts and Religion, Washington, DC. Website:

CRaig allen
Children's Drama Leader
Craig is an exemplary soloist who has performed in Company, La Bohème, and more. He teaches at Winthrop University and is pursuing a vocal performance doctorate from the University of South Carolina. With a Master in Vocal Performance from the University of Missouri-Kansas City and degrees in voice and theatre from Texas Tech University, Craig brings talent and experience to the stage and classroom. You can find more from his bio here:

Rodrigo Almeida
Co-Service Musician
Rodrigo is a classical guitarist from São Paulo, Brazil. He graduated from Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University, where he got his Diploma in Performance. He received a Master in Guitar Performance from Marshall University in Huntington, WV. Along with his background in guitar, he is a Commissioned Pastor through the Presbytery of West Virginia and a member at Enslow Park Presbyterian Church in Huntington. His ministry is to children through music, especially through the guitar.

Brandon Boyd
Adult Choir/Chamber Choir Director
Brandon is the Director of Choral Activities and Graduate Conducting Program and Associate Professor of Choral Music Education at the University of Missouri-Columbia. In addition, he is the Executive Choral Editor of Gentry Publications. He holds two degrees from Florida State University (PhD in Choral Music Education and an MM in Choral Conducting) and earned a BS in Music Education (concentration in piano) from Tennessee State University.

Mark Britt
Instrumental Ensembles Director
Mark joined the faculty of Furman University as the low brass professor in 1995 and served as Chair of the Music Department (2010‒2016 and 2018‒2020). He leads Furman’s Study Away program in Arezzo, Italy. Most recently he was inducted into the South Carolina Music Educators Hall of Fame. He holds degrees from Appalachian State, Northwestern, and Florida State. The summer of 2023 marks his tenth term as the Instrumental Music Director for PAM’s Worship & Music Conference.

Seminar leader (WEEK 1)
Olanda is the Senior Ministry Relations Officer of the Presbyterian Foundation and works with congregations to create a culture of generosity. He brings a wealth of community involvement that includes serving in leadership roles with various nonprofits. He has also served as a delegate to the 219th General Assembly and a member of the Committee of Theological Education (COTE). Olanda holds a BBA and MBA from Montreat College, is an elder at First United Presbyterian Church, and resides in Charlotte with his wife, Monica.

Ahreum Congdon
Organ Recitalist
Ahreum is known for her passionate, powerful, and extraordinary performances that have overjoyed audiences throughout the United States, Asia, and Europe. Ahreum serves as the Director of Music and Organist at First Presbyterian Church of Fort Worth. She held previous positions as organ faculty at Iowa State University and Organist at Marquand Chapel and the Berkeley Divinity School of Yale University.

Mitchell Crawford
Intro to Organ Leader
Mitchell serves as Minister of Music at Old South Church in Boston. A native of southwest Virginia, he holds degrees from The Juilliard School and Florida State University. As a recitalist, he has been fortunate to present concerts in many venues along the East Coast, including Harvard and Princeton Universities, Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center, and numerous churches. Mitchell is executor for the musical estate of the late Calvin Hampton, whose music he champions.

Kaitlyn Davros
Collaborative Pianist: Adult Choir/Chamber Choir
Kaitlyn is the Director of Traditional Music and Worship at Sardis Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, NC, where she leads a comprehensive music program for all ages, three handbell choirs, and a men’s choir, all while creating authentic and creative worship from the organ. She has served churches in eastern and western Michigan as well as in Rifle, CO. Kaitlyn holds an MM in Sacred Music from Westminster Choir College at Rider University and a BM in Organ Performance. She currently serves on the PAM board.

Richard Diebert
Seminar Leader
Richard is a hospice and palliative care physician and PC(USA) minister. His PhD dissertation, “Paul’s Gospel of Human Mortality,” from the University of Cambridge, studied Paul’s theology of physical death. Richard lives in Lakewood Ranch, FL, with Elizabeth, and they enjoy four children, two of their children’s spouses, and two grandchildren.

Seminar Leader
Beth-Neville has served as Director of Music at Cove Presbyterian Church, south of Charlottesville, VA, for longer than she can remember! She spent the last fifteen years studying closely with Alice Parker at her home in Massachusetts and in New York City. Beth-Neville and her husband, John, an artist, have lived in North Garden, VA, for forty-four years. Their two children, their spouses, and five grandchildren all live close by.

Grace Evans
Grace is an artist, educator, and life coach from Raleigh, NC. She creates fabric collages inspired by nature and designs banners and hangings for churches. She oversaw the execution of a major installation designed by Catherine Kapikian, Artist in Residence for the 2024 Worship & Music Conference. Grace has an arts degree from Skidmore College and studied clay at Penland School of Crafts in North Carolina. She is a certified Montessori teacher and taught art to children and adults for many years.

Mark Kemp
Professional Development Seminar Leader
Mark is the Director of Worship Arts at Myers Park Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, NC. He has served PAM as Board Member, Worship & Music Conference Director, and now as Board President. Mark and his wife, Kelly, have two sons, Cooper and Levi.

Phil Kent
Instrumental Ensembles Assistant Director
Phil is the Director of Orchestras at Lafayette High School and the School for the Creative and Performing Arts in Lexington, KY. He has earned a BME from Western Kentucky University and an MME from VanderCook College of Music in Chicago, IL. He has performed with various professional and community ensembles such as the Woodford County Community Theater, the Bluegrass Area Jazz Ambassadors, the Yellow Dog New Orleans Jazz Band, and the MetroGnomes Big Band.

Cat Kessler
Small Group Facilitator and Youth Activities Director
Cat is a writer, mother, wife, and experienced Presbyterian youth worker who loves using words and movement to create meaningful experiences that remind everyone of their deep belovedness. Cat serves on the board of Youth Mission Co. and is an active member of First Presbyterian Church in Asheville. She lives in Weaverville, NC, with her husband, son, and rescue hound dog.

Swee Hong Lim
Routley Lecturer
Swee Hong is the Deer Park Associate Professor for Sacred Music at Emmanuel College of Victoria University in the University of Toronto and directs the Master of Sacred Music program. His music is published by both Hope Publishing Company and GIA Publications. He co-authored A History of Contemporary Praise and Worship (Baker, 2021) with Lester Ruth of Duke University. He was the Director of Music for the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Karlsruhe, Germany (2019‒2022).

Stefanie Marsden
Seminar Leader (Week 2)
Stefanie Marsden is responsible for working closely with the Texas Presbyterian Foundation Partners to grow relationships as well as their TPF assets. Additionally, Stefanie identifies and cultivates new partners who TPF can assist in the expansion of their mission efforts. With more than twenty years of business and development experience, Stefanie serves as a leader who leverages both her business acumen and passion for the church as she implements educational and growth initiatives.

John McCall
Adult Bible and Morning Prayer Leader
John teaches at Taiwan and Tainan Seminaries in Taiwan, where he has been serving as a PC(USA) co-worker for the past twenty-five years. He teaches spirituality, ministry, preaching, and worship and loves to integrate these topics into daily life. Every weekend, he travels around Taiwan teaching and preaching in churches and presbyteries. John enjoys hiking in the mountains of Taiwan and North Carolina.

Sally Ann McKinsey
Sally is the editor of the journal Call to Worship: Liturgy, Music, Preaching, and the Arts and a minister in the PC(USA). She is also an interdisciplinary artist working in sculpture, performance, and craft. She received a Master of Divinity from Columbia Theological Seminary and a Master of Fine Arts in Studio Art from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Sally Ann has previously served on the faculty at Tennessee Technological University and currently works in Clemson, SC.

Jeremy Mims
Collaborative Pianist: Senior High Choir/Chamber Choir
Jeremy is Director of Choral Activities at Winthrop University. He has served as conductor and pianist for numerous high school all-region and all-state choirs. Jeremy has presented at regional and national conventions of ACDA and holds degrees from Hardin-Simmons University and the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music and Dance. He is the Director of Music at Grace Lutheran Church in Rock Hill, SC.

SAndra moon
seminar leader (week 1)
Sandra serves as the Ministry Relations Officer for the Cumberland Region (KY, TN, VA) of the Presbyterian Foundation. Sandra is an experienced civil attorney and brings a wealth of knowledge in law, fundraising, and ministry to her work at the Foundation. Previously, Sandra was employed at the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, holding various roles throughout her tenure. She earned degrees from Vanderbilt University, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and the University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law.

Martha Moore-Keish
Martha is J. B. Green Professor of Theology at Columbia Theological Seminary. Her PhD is from Emory; she has worked in the PC(USA) Office of Theology and Worship and taught at Yale Divinity School. She has published books on sacraments (including T&T Clark Handbook on Sacraments and Sacramentality, 2023), prayer, Reformed theology, the book of James, and comparative theology. Martha has abiding interest in interreligious issues, particularly Christian-Jewish relations and Hinduism.

Dónal Noonan
Seminar leader
Dónal is a music minister from Ireland who lives in Atlanta, GA. He works at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Atlanta, and as the Archdiocesan Choir Director for the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta. Dónal is currently serving as President of the National Alliance for Music in Vulnerable Communities as well as Executive Director of the Atlanta Homeward Choir. Dónal holds a BA in Education and an MA in Music and Music Education from Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City.

Agustin Palomo ramos
Drums and percussion Seminar Leader
Agustin is a national and international musical artist born in San José, Costa Rica. He has a BA in Music and Social Behavioral Sciences from the University of Central Florida and studied Jazz Studies at Florida State University. He is a drummer, percussionist, recording artist, and performs and tours. Since 2021, he has been the music teacher at the Odyssey School, pre-K through high school. He is a Resident Teaching Artist at LEAF Global Arts in Asheville, NC, and a Production Manager and Mixing Engineer with XL Live USA.

Mark Patterson
Children’s Choir Director
Mark is a nationally acclaimed composer, conductor, and teacher. He has worked with choral groups of all ages in public school, university, and church music settings. As a composer, Mark enjoys crafting unique choral works with poetic texts, soaring melodies, and stirring rhythms. As a conductor and teacher, he enjoys engaging singers with humor and creativity throughout the rehearsal process to deliver a powerful and meaningful performance.

Brian Seemann
Handbell Choir Assistant Director
Brian is the Director of Handbell Ensembles at the Landon School in Bethesda, MD, and the Music Director for Virginia Bronze. He has been Music Director of the Philadelphia Handbell Ensemble and the New England Ringers, and has performed with Sonos Handbell Ensemble, Back Bay Ringers, and the Philadelphia Handbell Ensemble. Brian is also a published composer and has served as faculty, clinician, and conductor around the U.S. as well as at several International Handbell Symposia.

Liturgist and Robert Stigall Seminar Leader
Sheldon is the pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Tallahassee, FL, where he has served since 2020. He and his wife, Mary, have five kids and one dog, all of whom love to camp together. Following the completion of his PhD in Religion from Florida State University in 2023, Sheldon and Mary, along with three other families, opened Amicus Brewing Ventures in Tallahassee, where Sheldon serves as the head brewer/brew pastor.
Martin Tel
Service Musician and Robert Stigall Seminar Leader
Martin is the Director of Music at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he directs the choirs, facilitates the music ministry for daily worship, and lectures in the area of church music. On Sundays Martin serves as Organist at the Dutch Neck Presbyterian Church, a small congregation near Princeton. He served as Senior Editor of Psalms for All Seasons: A Complete Psalter for Worship (2012).

Interest session presenters

John Allen Bankson
John Allen Bankson is Director of Music Ministries at First Christian Church of Birmingham, AL. A graduate of Samford University (voice/piano), he earned an MDiv from Reformed Theological Seminary and an MM in Conducting from the University of Southern Mississippi. An ordained PC(USA) minister, John Allen has pastored churches in Louisiana and Mississippi.

Matthew Bumbach
Matthew Bumbach serves as Interim Director of Music Ministries at Shallowford Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, GA, where he directs the Chancel Choir and Chapel Choir. He has published research in The Choral Scholar, Research Memorandum Series, The Choral Journal, and several state and regional journals. In 2022, Matthew coauthored A Quick Start Guide to Choral Singing (GIA) with Dr. Dean Luethi.

Chris Clay
Chris Clay has been a worship leader/church musician for more than thirty years, providing musical leadership in worship in a variety of different settings and worship styles. Currently, Chris is Director of Contemporary Worship and Innovative Technologies at North Avenue Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, GA.

Stephanie Ells
Stephanie Ells is the pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Dubuque, IA, and the Thriving in Ministry Grant Coordinator for the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. Throughout her nearly two decades of pastoring, she has worked with all ages of folks in congregations to transformationally connect with God and thrives in environments where creative worship and justice work are embraced.

Stephen Fey
Stephen Fey is a retired church musician who served with his wife, Vicki, as Co-Director of Music at churches in Florida, Texas, and Tennessee. Steve received degrees from Washington University and the University of North Texas. Steve was a member of the Presbyterian Committee on Congregational Song, which prepared Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal. He also co-directed 2015 Worship & Music Conference at Montreat.

Nancy Graham
Nancy Graham is a hymnologist and church musician who holds a PhD from the Graduate Theological Foundation, Foundation House in Oxford, UK; a Doctor of Sacred Music from The Graduate Theological Foundation; and a Master of Music from Westminster Choir College. She has written the only biography of Erik Routley, A Continuous Thanksgiving: The Life of Erik Routley, published in 2023 by Lexington/Fortress.

Tom Granum
Tom Granum is a lifelong Presbyterian who has served several churches in his fifty-plus-year music ministry, mostly Presbyterian churches (Georgia, Alaska, and Michigan). A member of PAM since 1971 and attender at many Worship & Music conferences, he and his daughter, Meg Granum Gurtcheff, served as Co-Directors for the 2021 conferences, which included the first hybrid conference. He and his wife retired to Athens, GA.

Mark Helms
Mark Helms is a DMA student in Choral Conducting at the University of Maryland, where he studies with Jason Max Ferdinand and also serves as Associate Director of Music at First Lutheran in Ellicott City, MD. Previously, Mark served as Director of Music and the Arts at Doylestown Presbyterian Church, PA. Mark holds an MM in Conducting from the Eastman School of Music and a BM in Church Music from Furman University.

Laura Jernigan
Laura Jernigan is a Presbyterian minister focusing on an arts ministry in music, worship, and drama. She has composed children’s anthems, hymns, congregational songs, and The Promise, an intergenerational musical. She has served in a variety of pastoral roles in congregations and as a teacher/chaplain. Laura is married to John Jernigan, an infectious diseases physician at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Brennan Michaels
Brennan Michaels is Director of Worship at Bellevue Presbyterian Church in Bellevue, WA. Brennan oversees a robust choral program where the choirs have sung with musicians from the Seattle Symphony in performances of Handel’s Messiah and Haydn’s Lord Nelson Mass. He received his DMA in Choral Conducting from Michigan State University, his MM from Baylor University, and his BM from Concordia College.

Dr. Phyllis Sanders
Dr. Phyllis Sanders is the Vital Congregations Coordinator and Commissioned Pastor Evangelist for Trinity Presbytery in Lexington, SC. Phyllis is a National Board Certified Counselor (NCC), Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), and a Board Certified Coach. She has conducted workshops on all PC(USA) levels.

Wei-Nung Wang
Wei-Nung Wang is a doctoral student in the Department of Music, Taipei National University of Arts, majoring in Musicology. She holds a Master’s degree from Tainan Theological Seminary and College with a major in Church Music and Choir Conducting. She is currently a Church Choir Leader and a Lecturer of Sacred Music in The Methodist Graduate School of Theology.

Austen Wilson
Austen Wilson is the Director of Music Ministries at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Iowa City, IA, where he oversees choral, handbell, and instrumental ensembles and works collaboratively with staff. He believes that music builds community, preaches the gospel, and strengthens our faith.

Joan Wooten
Joan Wooten has been an ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament for forty-two years. A retired Navy chaplain, she has served as a pastoral counselor with AIDS patients, a campus minister, and a stated supply pastor and interim pastor with various churches. An experienced choral singer, she now sings with the Choral Society of Pensacola, FL.
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