Presbyterian Association of Musicians 2020
Online Worship & Music Conference

Virtual Content Packs

4 Affordable Content Packs Available for You and Your Church!
As more and more churches express the need for new virtual programming for the year, PAM has repurposed its 2020 Online Worship and Music Conference into individualized resource packs for your church to utilize.
We have four content packs focusing on different areas, each costing only $60.
Pack #1: For Children, Youth, and Their Leaders

5 Children’s Art classes with Chandler Guess
5 Children’s Music classes with Anne McNair
5 Children’s Bible classes with Julie Hester
5 Youth Photography classes with Scott Neely
5 Youth Bible Studies - includes Youth Leader Guide, Student Journal, and additional instructional videos for Youth Leaders
BONUS: Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible and Big God, Big Questions Confirmation curriculum introduction videos from Presbyterian Publishing Corporation
Pack #2: Worship and Worship Reflections
4 Conference Worship Services
3 Worship Reflections programs with Conference Worship Team
5 Morning Prayer Services
5 Evening Prayer Services
BONUS: 4 Art Workshop Sessions led by Ann Laird Jones and Hannah Garrity

Pack #3: Professional Development for Church Musicians

3 Choral Masterclasses with Eric Nelson
3 Choral Masterclasses with Mark Patterson
2 Choral Masterclasses with Victor Johnson
1 Panel Discussion with Mark Patterson, Victor Johnson, and Anne McNair
4 Handbell Masterclasses with David Harris
BONUS: PAM Professional Concerns Seminars led by David VanderMeer
Pack #4: Christian Formation & Creative Discipleship

4 Routley Lectures with Mel Bringle: “Singing Here and the Hereafter”
4 Art Workshop videos with Anne Laird Jones and Hannah Garrity
2 Adult Bible Study sessions with Suzie Park: “Witnesses in the Old Testament”
4 Matthew 25 Mission videos with Alonzo Johnson
BONUS: Conference Hymn Festival led by Mel Bringle: Surrounded by Story and Song
Or, Register for the Full Conference!

...the table is prepared. All are welcome.
This virtual conference offers a full week of worship and music for church musicians, clergy, laypersons, choirs, youth, children, and families.
Guided by the principles of Reformed worship, conferees explore opportunities for vital worship experiences and enriching the liturgical life of the local church.
A demonstration of what physically distant worship can look like and how to make it happen.
A way for you to help supplement your church's programming for the rest of the year
(Adults, Youth, Children, and even Handbells - click to see all programs)
Professional Development and Personal Enrichment for Church Musicians
Helpful and insightful seminars and programs for Pastors and Worship Leaders
A meaningful, imaginative, and worship-centered experience that is relevant to the current times
Opportunities to experience new and different ways to worship through the challenges of the pandemic, and suggestions for how to implement these things in your home church.
For Montreat "veterans," a new, yet familiar view of a magnificent, tranquil, and sacred place.
Conference Information
Full conference registration is $175 per person.
Registration grants you access to all 96 recordings of conference content, including recordings of Worship, Routley Lectures, Art Workshop, Worship Reflections, Masterclasses, Seminars, The Hymn Festival, Programming for Children and Youth, Daily Concerts, Conversations at The Huck, Montreat Moments, and conference documents.

Continuing Education Units
C.E.U.s may be arranged by contacting the PAM Office. Check with your school system prior to the conference for any pre-approval requirements. A processing fee is required.